How to Use the Platform

We've included a series of videos below to demonstrate how the PolicyCo platform can be used to scope requirements, create relevant policies and procedures and keep your team on task.

How to Use the Platform

We've included a series of videos below to demonstrate how the PolicyCo platform can be used to scope requirements, create relevant policies and procedures and keep your team on task.


Policy Creation

In this video, we will demonstrate how to download a policy from our marketplace, and release a professional policy in minutes.


Procedure Creation

In this video, we will demonstrate how to use the platform to create, edit and approve procedures illustrating how departments can manage their own content.


Scoping Requirements

In this video, we will demonstrate how to use the platform to scope requirements for your organization and then map them to articles.


Procedure Linking

In this video, we will demonstrate how to use the platform to link procedures to articles in policy. Linked procedures are associated to requirements through the article.


Article Editing

In this video, we will demonstate how to use the platform to create, edit, submit and approve articles illustrating the utility of article versions.